Bringing real connectivity for the modern age
Your funding partner for fibre networks in rural Europe
Managed by Cube Infrastructure Managers ("Cube IM"), Connecting Europe Broadband Fund ("CEBF") was created to help implement the European Commission's Gigabit Society targets.
Our investors are a number of premier public and private European investors who share our passion to fund new ultra-high speed networks across rural Europe.
Fast connectivity is vital infrastructure in the modern world, needed to attract and retain businesses and jobs.
We are investing in open access networks to improve mobility, boost services and build thriving communities.
We seek entrepreneurs with ideas of building infrastructure in areas they know and understand who lack the capital to start or expand their network.

Taking selective greenfield risk to back the right opportunities
Early stage
We invest equity or mezzanine into early stage networks
We back networks enabling ultra-high speed connectivity (>100Mbps) for end users
We look for teams with passion and demonstrated ability to build, connect and operate
We invest for the medium term and look to transform early stage investments into infrastructure
Investment Guidelines
CEBF features down-side protection with its highly diversified investment strategy in greenfield future-proof infrastructure assets in addition to a large first loss junior equity provided by the European Commission and the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI).
CEBF will invest through financing (mostly strong equity minority positions sought and/or mezzanine/junior debt financing) of broadband infrastructure investments, technically and economically viable greenfield projects located in grey or white NGA areas (i.e. most often semi-dense or rural areas).
Support from CEBF will be complementary to other financing currently available on the market through public or private financial institutions and to existing EU financial instruments.
Our Structure
The Connecting Europe Broadband Fund is a Luxembourg investment company with variable capital - Reserved Alternative Investment Fund (RAIF) (société d’investissement à capital variable - fonds d’investissement alternatif réservé, SICAV-FIAR), governed by the 2016 Act, the Companies Act and the Articles.