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New FttH Network for Slovenia

Writer's picture: CEBF TeamCEBF Team

Updated: Oct 11, 2019

Connecting Europe Broadband Fund announces the RuNe Project investment in Slovenia

Luxembourg, May 29, 2019

Connecting Europe Broadband Fund (CEBF) announced today that it has signed a transaction with Vahta d.o.o. (Slovenia) to invest into a high-quality fiber-to-the-home (FTTH), open-access network for residential, business and public administration in the rural areas of Slovenia and to cover over 240,000 locations.

This investment marks the third project of the CEBF, a private equity fund which had its first closing in June 2018 at EUR420 million to invest in greenfield and some expansion projects in the broadband infrastructure space across underserved areas in Europe. This is the third successfully closed project following transactions in Croatia and the United Kingdom. CEBF is managed by Cube Infrastructure Managers (Cube IM) and anchored by the European Commission, the European Investment Bank (EIB), the German KfW Bankengruppe, the Italian Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) and France’s Caisse des Dépôts et consignations (CDC) alongside European private investors.

Renaud de Matharel, CEO and Managing Partner of Cube IM, said: “We are extremely pleased to announce the third deal signed by the Connecting Europe Broadband Fund. This project based in Slovenia complements our first investment in Croatia. RuNe Slovenia addresses a strong expectation to cover underserved areas with high-quality broadband services. We look forward to expanding our partnership with Goran in order to grow this very promising business.”

Goran Živec from Vahta d.o.o., who started the RUNE project idea a few years ago, said: “We have a challenging task in the coming years, to build a cutting-edge fiber infrastructure to areas that were too often forgotten by telecom operators. We have based our project not only on technical excellence terms, but also on the good cooperation with the involved local communities.”

About Cube Infrastructure Managers: Cube Infrastructure Managers is a reputable independent Alternative Investment Fund Manager headquartered in Luxembourg with extensive experience in investing in infrastructure with three funds under management. Cube Infrastructure Fund I and Cube Infrastructure Fund II are focusing on investments in regulated, brownfield infrastructure assets, and the Connecting Europe Broadband Fund is a fund dedicated to investment in broadband infrastructure projects.

Contacts for further information: Caroline Kragerud, Head of Investor Relations, Cube Infrastructure Managers, +352 248 734 6874 Izzet Güney, Managing Director, Cube Infrastructure Managers, +352 248 734 6873

Projects should be referred to or +352 248 734 68 00

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